Modern Conversations of a Slave Mother – Released on Amazon March 27, 2023
Price: $20.24
Amazon Link Paperback and Kindle
If you have faced challenges as a mother, single mother or even grandmother, this book will show you that you are not alone in the struggle and give you examples of how to cope in some situations. Focused on empowering mothers to be creative in their search for solutions, this book will share insights gained from muli-generational experiences causing self-reflection and affirm that you are invaluable.
If you have ever wondered what African-Americans really go through and had no one to ask, this book will: Allow you to eavesdrop on serious and inspiring situations; Learn through tough conversations teaching children to navigate systems that do not support their success and provide insight into the hidden reality of the OTHER American experience.
Topics include: Domestic Violence, Sexual Preditors, Gang Violence, Women in the Military, Education, Bullying, Racial Violence, Parenting, and a conversation with Aunt Mary, who died in Jonestown.
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